rockin' the nihon

Monday, November 13, 2006

y-o-d-a, yooooda

this one's for you kat. unfortunately, however, this little guy's a bit too big to bring home. he's all made of nuts & bolts & saw chains and stuff. most impressive - kudos to the artist.


  • At 2:50 a.m., Blogger Kat said…

    He really is fantastic!! Thanks toots :) Despite my small obession, you know your flesh and bones beat yoda's bolts any day.

  • At 9:37 a.m., Blogger jesse said…

    whew, i was worried about that. now i can sleep (and dream) in peace. bloody bolts, how could you possibly pose a threat? now all i have to contend with are his blasted green skin, wrinkles, and absurdly large ears...


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