rockin' the nihon

Thursday, October 19, 2006

誕生日 (birthday)

my family was kind enough to have a little birthday dinner/cake/gift opening on my birthday. considering how this was a week after i arrived, i found the gesture incredibly outgoing. so, nobuko and hisao - thanks! the day before, during one of our investigatory conversations, nobuko (my host mum) asked me what my favourite colour was, and i replied forest green (midori). so when i opened my gift on the 5th i was surprised that she had indeed gotten me a gorgeous forest green sake set. she apparently, however, had asked me about my favourite colour after she had bought the gift, so i merely missed the relief on her face when she discovered the couldn't have chosen a better colour. we duly introduced the vessel to its intended contents immediately afterward. happy birthday indeed!


  • At 11:07 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oy vay, I totally forgot that your birthday was this early in October!

    What's the phrase for that again?
    Gomen na.

    Anyway, rather than waste time with long-winded excuses or struggle with my pigeon Japanese ...

    I wish you a most illustrious Happy Birthday sir!

    ... post birthday ...

    Here's hoping that your sake-drinking skills did us Canadians proud.


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