rockin' the nihon

Monday, October 02, 2006

first contact

here are the host parents with us in the foyer of the hotel in okazaki.
from left, top: chris:s host father, chris, nobuko (my host mother), myself, cleo, cleo:s host mother, (bottom) chris:s host mother, ayumi (nobuko:s friend). i can scarcely believe that of all these people no one was tempted to make a peace sign.
this morning we, the students, were getting ready in our rooms when a call came up. it was the receptionist talking a mile a minute, something about having to leave at 10:00. as it was 10 i said, we:ll be down soon. that wasn:t quite it, i guess, as a new voice came on. this was yamada sensei (behind the camera for this shot). he seemed rather peeved that we weren:t down there yet. so, i told the others, and we hustled down - only to be asked to sit and wait while he sorted out our folders. the world famous "hurry up and wait" syndrome. not the first meeting i had expected. after a good 10 minutes of sideways glances and small giggles we were asked to come over and make introductions. it:s all downhill from here.


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